Me, enjoying a sunny day in the LakesMy name is Matt Bisogno, Editor in Chief of, and I've been interested in horse racing for over twenty years now.

Having started out like everyone else, with wide eyes and little idea, I became convinced that it was possible to systematically win at horse racing. In the intervening period, I've tried pretty much everything you can imagine to get ahead of 'the bookie' (who, these days, might be you or another reader, due to the advent of the betting exchanges!).

Through my years of research, I've found one or two ways that perennially help me stay closer to parity than the average gambler, and my specific systems research has enjoyed huge public success, with over 2,000 copies of TrainerTrackStats sold since it's inception in 2006.

I have a vision for, which is to make it one of the best free horse racing resources available outside of the major media houses (like and And, importantly, I am committed to independent editorial, which enables me to review horse racing products in a completely unbiased fashion, and share with my readers the turkeys and the (relatively) golden geese.

I am originally from Bournemouth, and am a big fan of the Cherries (for my sins!), and have lived in London since 1992.

Away from the horses, I love to travel and have been to the Breeders Cup in USA every year since 2001.


The website is my second website, after I handed over the reigns of Nag Nag Nag to my good friend and colleague Gavin Priestley in Summer 2008.

Geegeez has as its express primary purpose the presentation of impartial reviews and independent editorial content, relating to UK horse racing and horse racing systems.

Visitors should note and be aware that where a product receives a favourable review (usually following a successful public trial period), links to purchase the system can be found on the Geegeez site.

These links usually contain an affiliate code which means that I receive a commission payment, which would otherwise have been passed directly to the seller. You will never pay more than buying directly. Rather, the purchase price will be divided between and the product vendor.

I do hope that you agree that the provision of a trusted service such as that offered by Geegeez is not compromised by the use of affiliate links. If you disagree, you remain welcome to view the content on this website, and - where you'd like to - purchase directly from the vendor's webpage. 🙂

Best Regards,
Matt Bisogno

8 replies
    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi John

      Yes, I had noted that in the manual. As things stand, after Robert’s bad accident, they’re not training. But they may come back and, if they do, they’d need following.


  1. Richard
    Richard says:

    Matt I purchased your Dirty (two) Dozen earlier today and it has already paid for itself with Poyle Judy & Cash Back.

    Many Thanks


    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Dick

      Thanks, yes, in the end neither was a ‘true’ qualifier, as both were lower than the entry odds. However, both were in the laser-targeted combination area, and Poyle Judy was backed in from a qualifying price. (I also backed them both!) 🙂


  2. Pete
    Pete says:

    Hi Matt
    Thanks for guide. Just a question – are profits quoted from backing “blind” within basic rules or from using combos?


    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Pete

      Profits are quoted to the base levels. The combos are much higher profitability, though because of the small sample size of some of them, I´ve not calculated the bottom line figure for these.


  3. Steve
    Steve says:

    Hi matt, just to let people know that after subscribing to loads of tipping systems and not getting much success I found your site which I found fantastic reading I came across racing trends and there is so much info in it and it has helped me profit everyday! Yesterday (Saturday) I had gambled £200 and finished up over £300 in profit!!!
    It has so much in it and you decide who to back from all the info in it,I can’t wait till it comes into my inbox but it does take me a couple of hours to go through it and pick my horses but it’s worth every minute.
    So thanks Becouse if it wasn’t for your great site I don’t think I would of took no notice of it
    Cheers matt


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