SALE NOW ENDED - Get 14 Days for just £5 HERE

Between now (24th June) and 23rd July, there are 175 race meetings and 1,225 races planned in Britain and Ireland. As a free user of Geegeez, you already know something of Geegeez Gold - and you might even have tried Gold out in the past..., for a very short time only, I'm doing something really special...

I'm offering you FULL UNLIMITED ACCESS to everything inside Gold FOR A WHOLE MONTH, for just...


£1 ... £1 ... £1 ... £1

That's 3p a day. Or less than half a penny per meeting. Or, and I had to use a calculator for this, 0.0816p per race!


For £1, you'll get:

- Access to Gold's excellent Stat of the Day service (currently £182.80 in profit in June, for £10 level stakes). Stat of the Day is one horse per day, nominated on statistical ground, Monday to Saturday. You can read more about Gold's tipping here (but don't sign up there!)


- The easiest to use, most info-packed racecards in Britain. Chock full of winner-getting gen, like:

- 4 x Trainer and Jockey Form (with full profit and loss figures)
- Full Head to Head records for every runner in every race (including the race conditions that day)
- Our unique "Then What?" feature, which shows how past form lines have worked out right inline on the card
- Form, Breeding and Sales commentary on every runner in every race
- Dr Peter May's truly incredible speed ratings for all UK flat races
- Visual indicators of Trainer / Jockey form, plus horses running first time in a handicap or for a new trainer

Learn more about Gold's racecards here.


- Intuitive form tools that strip away the fluff and white noise, leaving just the most relevant data, including:

- Full Form Filter: filter on any combination of race variables, on wins or places, on trainer or jockey
- Instant Expert: unique traffic light analysis of all runners in a race (win or place) in a single easily sortable view
- Pace Analysis: Understand the overall pace in a race, which horses will be suited/unsuited, and potential pace/draw biases

You can find out more about the form tools here.


- A growing suite of profit-teasing reports, which can be filtered and sorted to your tastes. For instance:

- TJ Combo: the trainers and jockeys, their runners today, which fare best (and, for layers, worst!)
- Trainer Handicap 1st Run: those shrewdies who have historically found big improvement first time in a handicap
- The Shortlist: our computer's pick of the best form profile horses each day (very profitable)
- Horses for Courses: today's runners with the best/worst course records (and everything in between)
- Trainer 2yo First Run: A record of the trainers who can get their babies winning on debut, and those to avoid
- Trainer Change: A change of stable can make a big difference. This report shows those who improve horses the most.
- plus many more (and more still planned!)

More info on our reporting suite is here.


- Our Tracker allows you to store trainers, jockeys and horses, and to add notes against them. You may also get a daily email highlighting the next day's runners from your list.

All of that for £1.


Look, if you only followed STAT OF THE DAY for a month and even then only for £3 per pick, I'd be confident you'd make enough to cover your next month's subscription. If you'd done that in June so far, you'd be over £54 in front!

Of course, that's if you wanted to stay on board. If not, no problem: just cancel your instruction, or let us know and we'll do it for you. No hard feelings.

Oh, and if you're worried about there being too much information, don't be. Nobody uses everything. Rather, people find what works best for them and focus on that.

Stat of the Day is easily worth more than the normal monthly subscription of £24 on its own, and we have scores of members who subscribe solely for that (and who have made £479.80 for perfectly reasonable £10 stakes this year).

So, for these few days, and for just 100 people, I invite to join us - or to re-join us if you are a previous Gold subscriber - and put GeegeezGold to work for you.

Fill in your details below to get started. And remember, when the 100 spaces are gone, they're gone. (You probably know me well enough by know to know that's not bluster. In any case, you'll still be able to get two weeks for £5, but one month for £1 sounds better, doesn't it? 😉  )


CLICK HERE TO LOGIN (opens in new window, return to this page after login)



p.s. if you want to know what others have to say about Gold, here are just a few of the hundreds of testimonials we have on file. If you want to see more, just ask!

p.p.s. This offer ends midnight Sunday 28th June, or when 100 people have registered.

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