New and Improved: Draw / Pace Display

We're at the start of a busy period of development within Geegeez Gold just now, and an early part of this work is to bring a couple of rather clunky elements of the visuals into the 21st century.

Specifically, we've smoothed our draw and pace chart curves; and we've made the pace heat map a bit less 'blocky'.

There is also a new view on the Pace tab - and a very interesting one at that.

Gold users can now see which parts of the draw are favoured by the respective run styles, as well as which horses sit where against that draw / run style underlay. It's quite difficult to explain, so have a look at the short video below and see what you think.

Plenty more coming soon!


p.s. the user guide has been updated accordingly and you can download the latest version from your My Geegeez page.

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11 replies
  1. alan west
    alan west says:

    Once again , a superb addition to the site. This will be a great help for me as I concentrate on sprint races especially where a turn is involved. Thanks Matt.

  2. william gibson
    william gibson says:

    Am I pleased that I joined Geegez Gold with lifetime membership all of those years ago. There is more in this site than there is in several competitor’s sites put together.

    And talk about value for money. There is no competition any where near.

  3. fonix
    fonix says:

    Hello Matt!

    Are you planning on adding distance and course for selection, when looking at the pace? This would be a great implementation as sometimes a horse’s running style can change based on those elements, especially on the all weather.

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi fonix

      No we’re not planning on adding those. Agree they’d be useful in some circumstances; but often there is insufficient data or a horse had been more recently adopting a different run style generally. Difficult to capture every scenario.

      What you can do is use Full Form to filter by today’s race distance and check the pace abbreviations there. Appreciate it’s not all runners in a single view, but I’m keen not to (further) clutter the tools.


  4. alpha2
    alpha2 says:

    I went through Southwell and Kempton yesterday and made a note of one or two that looked like they fitted the bill and Intrepidly 7.00 and Broughton’s Flare 8.30 were on my list, none of which I hasten to act did I invest in!
    Great new tool Matt.
    ps Toggling between A/E and IV on the pace page does not seem to alter the Ave values. Should they be different?

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Hi Hugh

      The Ave values relate to the average of pace scores. They remain constant against all elements in the dropdown and should only change if selecting a different number of previous runs.

      Glad you like the new addition!



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