Horse Racing Betting Angles: Part 3b, Bonus Module

In this bonus module, Part 3b, you'll learn about something I call 'mark up' angles. These are snippets of information which are not necessarily worthy of a bet in their own right, but will help me to form a view on a horse in the context of a race.

Again, if you've not seen the previous episodes, I urge you to start here.

In this bonus recording, we'll look at mark up angles for:

- Sires

- Wind surgery runners

And we'll also look at horse profiling within Query Tool. Adding a few of these to your Tracker for the upcoming flat season will be a VERY good use of an hour or two during this downtime!

Here's the video - I hope you like it.


p.s. If anybody has any questions, I will be happy to record a QT Q&A session to help you get you out of the blocks as quickly as possible.

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8 replies
  1. N17
    N17 says:

    Thanks Matt. An interesting video with some good ideas that I’ll put to use on Query Tool whilst under ‘lockdown’.

    Hope you and your family are staying safe and well.

    All the best.


  2. Tony prydderch
    Tony prydderch says:

    Only just signed up for the free service but the videos are very interesting. I am keen on betting on horses and bet most days so this will help with my form. I do mostly video form but these stats will be a good place to start. Will be trying it out when the season starts and potentially upgrading to the gold service when I’ve tryed it. Everyone take care over this horrible coronavirus times.

  3. sunchu
    sunchu says:

    hello matt these videos been really informative nether thought of doing mark up angles interesting on horse profiles i done some work similar on courses IE ask QT about a specfic course distance going types then type horses that win OR wieght carried draw and pace sort of a trends for paticular races writ my findings in a notebook to look at when the course had a meet

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      Great idea, sunchu. And excellent work, well played.

      Hope you’re enjoying the process, too. It’s better than staring at the walls, eh? 🙂


      • sunchu
        sunchu says:

        certainly is having a good time with the american racing as well registered with equibase ive found some nice winners costs $7.50 for a bronze day past been using it this weekend had some decent winners it keeps you occupied and with reading your stuff i aint got bored yet miss the pub tho

  4. jamesc64
    jamesc64 says:

    Thanks Matt,hope you and the family are well.Found the videos very interesting indeed ,have found
    a few angles which possibly could be quite good going forward will post them sometime soon

  5. russsmithgg
    russsmithgg says:

    Another great piece, Matt. Query Tool is worth the cost of the Gold membership alone in my opinion. A point worth making is that many good sires, trainers, jockeys, etc have a moderate overall A/E in their sphere which can limit the A/E of what can still be a worthwhile angle and make it harder to find. For this reason, I personally prefer to look at a sire (for instance) in isolation and compare it to itself in different disciplines as comparing it to all other sires is not a like-for-like comparison. This is not to disagree with anything in this video as it amply demonstrates how to quickly land on an angle without a great amount of effort which is something everyone welcomes!

    • Matt Bisogno
      Matt Bisogno says:

      That’s a really good point, Russ. Comparing trainers with themselves in the same way is also as/more valid as/than comparing against peer group.

      Thanks for raising that.



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